Regular Selection: Artwork is Printed on Artistic Paper

Upgrade to Canvas Paper: Artist Canvas Textured Grade UV Protected Paper

Upgrade to Professional Studio Canvas: Stretchable, Sealed UV Protected Art on Cloth Canvas


This is a very rustic piece from a c.1951 linen.

This production is an untouched reproduction of the original.

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 12x16 (add $24.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 16x20 (add $36.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 20x24 (add $54.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 22x28 (add $76.00)

Upgrade to Pro.Studio Canvas for 24x36 (add $104.00)




Original Sloppy Joe's Address in Havana: Zulueta 26, Havana, Phone M-7157

Short Biography:

Mr. Jose Abeal (Sloppy Joe) came from Spain to Cuba in the year 1904 and went to work as

a bartender on Galiano and Zanja Streets Havana,

where he worked for three years, and then, he gave up his job and sailed for New-Orleans, La.

In this city he went on working as a bartender for six years. From New Orleans he went to Miami, Fla.,

and also worked in different bars for another six years. In the year 1918, he returned to Havana

and got a job as bartender at a cafe named "Greasy Spoon" and six months after, he decided to

go in business for himself and bought what was then an insignificant grocery store at

the corner now occupied by the famous Sloppy Joe's Bar. While operating this small grocery store,

he was visited by several friends from the States. It so happened, that while some

of them were visiting him and seeing the poor condition of the place, one of them said,

"Why, Joe, this place is certainly sloppy, look at the filthy water running from under the counter."

From then on, the name, Sloppy Joe stuck to Jose Abeal as part of his own life

and was destined to make him and his business famous and internationally known.

(Season Bar Menu, 1933).